Muslim Moodfit is one of the easiest and feature packed App to enhance Muslims Mental Health. Download it today!


Muslim Moodfit was designed based on input from individuals, Psychotherapists, Islamic counsellors, Psychologists, Psychiatrist  and popular trainers so it offers all


Understanding your moods helps you manage them and feel better faster.


Be relaxed and overcome your negative emotions using our Nasheeds, Dhikr and Islamic mindfulness.

Low Mood

Your feeling low right now, Lets help you with that.


Relax and unwind using these different breathing techniques.


Challenge negative thoughts using CBT technique


Being grateful helps cultivate happiness and wellbeing. Use the Gratitude journal.


Mindful Muslim

Mindful Muslim

The quality or condition of being mindful of something is known as mindfulness. It is the ability to be completely present, aware of what you are...

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Daily Goals

Muslim Moodfit can easily help you track your personal development evolution if you take the time to properly setup your goals at the beginning of the training process. Check out the details


The calendar input function enables the user to setup training, meditation and relaxation sessions with ease. Just open the feature and start setting up your time as you desire

Download Muslim Moodfit

Muslim Moodfit is a research-backed app that has been shown to be effective in improving mental health. Muslim moodfit is easy to use and can be customized to fit your individual needs.

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