The quality or condition of being mindful of something is known as mindfulness. It is the ability to be completely present, aware of what you are doing and where you are.

Being mindful is essential in the Islamic tradition. As a result, practicing mindfulness to improve spiritual and temporal aspects of life is highly regarded in their culture. They believe in the philosophy of Muraqabah, which they believe will aid in the training of the mind to become more focused, resulting in improved worship and other practices.

In a non-religious or neutral environment, mindfulness development was shown to have significant fitness & well-being advantages.

Meditation in the Islamic religion
Meditation refers to any and all intentional and guided cognitive behaviors. Various types of meditation have been clinically proven to promote mindfulness as well as its related well-being in daily life in clinical or religious practice.

Meditation may be performed in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. For others, it’s just a way to relax and relieve tension, as well as a way to slow down their thinking. Others meditate by concentrating their mind on God or anything else while deeply contemplating a thought.

Some Muslims are reluctant or skeptical of the term meditation. This is because there are so many various forms of meditation, some of which are directly connected with spiritual values and activities that are incompatible with Islam. The truth is that our virtuous forefathers engaged in a variety of modes of meditation. These meditation techniques helped them attain mature spiritual practices and improve their worship services, repentance, and recollection.

Ibn Al-Qayyim has given one of the greatest and most descriptive examples of Muslims’ many definitions of meditation. According to him, reflecting, remembering, examining, meditating, contemplating, deliberating, and pondering are all important parts of our order to prepare for the Afterlife. All of these terms represent various types of intellectual states which can be considered modes of meditation.

Every one of these forms of Islamic meditation provides some kind of remembrance or knowledge of Allah to purify the mind and heart of evil feelings and thoughts.

Humans polish their hearts and reveal the pure essence of the spirit, which would be the true holy condition that Allah has made them live in, by nurturing the memory and muraqabah of Allah via various mental exercises.

Mindful Exercise
In Islam, unlike regular ritual prayers, there really is no clear prescribed form of mindfulness practice.

In a Muslim context, this exercise is a simple way to perform everyday mindfulness exercises. While it includes acts of worship such as remembrances and supplications, this practice is a voluntary exercise that enhances the mandatory worship services.

To start, pick a time when you could be alone in a private corner. Either after or before working, throughout the lunch hour, or before sleep. Some Muslims choose the period before the ‘fajr’ (dawn prayer) or other rituals. As for self-discipline for praying, a brief practice right before worship is particularly helpful. It was a good idea to set aside some time per day for regular exercise, but this can be accomplished at any moment to fit the timetable. You can do this for as much as you would like.

Second, find a pose that feels good to you. As Allah honors those who remember God sitting, standing, and lying down, you can sit upon a bench, on a comfortable pillow, and even lie on your back or side in bed. The goal is to determine a comfortable and relaxing pose that isn’t so comfortable that it will lead to sleep.

Next, pay attention to your normal breathing. Relax your muscles gradually over the whole body. Feel your mind and heart in this time as you begin with calm breathing. Try to calm your thoughts by focusing on your normal, peaceful breathing and simply experiencing the energy and life Allah has bestowed upon you. Feel deeply grateful to Allah for you are able to breathe.

Start to notice the sensation of muraqabah with Allah as you relax into tranquility inside your inner space. Think and understand that He has been keeping an eye on you and also that He is with you anywhere you are. He is aware of all that is happening within you on all occasions.

In this condition of inner silence, concentrate on the sensation of muraqabah. Avoid speaking to yourself or following thought trains. Silence your inner voice as much as possible and concentrate solely on becoming connected with Allah in the present moment.

If you make this activity a daily habit, you will notice good effects over time. You’ll find that being present in prayer is simpler and more comfortable than it was previously. You’ll be able to better alleviate tension and achieve relaxation, better concentrate your attention when necessary, cope with life’s stressful moments more easily, and have much more empathy for others.

Meditation, a type of relaxation and mental concentration, will help you achieve mindfulness. In the Islamic tradition, mindfulness is valued because it improves not only one’s physical but also one’s spiritual well-being.