Imagine offering a favor or a gift to someone of a lower rank than you, whether your employee, child, or maid. How would you feel if the person returned no gratitude to you for your favor? Will your heart and mind allow you to offer another favor to the same person?

Now you understand why Allah SWT taught us to show gratitude and thankfulness toward Him and others. Gratitude ensures the continuity of blessings of Allah SWT upon us.

Whether between man to God or man to man, showing gratitude helps improve life, mental health, and relations, giving more prosperity to you.

Let’s know the importance of gratitude in Islam to gain delightfully glorious benefits in the current life and after you die. The first thing is to learn the definition of gratitude to understand the values, uses, and benefits of gratitude in Islam.

What Is Gratitude?

The definition of gratitude is to be thankful for the favor gifted to you by someone, which means that you value the kindness and support offered to you. So your favourer will feel respectful and be happy to help you again whenever needed.

Showing thankfulness gives you a lifetime opportunity to gain help when you are stuck, and there is no hope.

Importance of Gratitude In Islam-176

Gratitude is one of the strongest pillars on which the whole structure of faith stands.

Being a Muslim, you must have a firm grip on your faith.

Have a look at some crucial factors of gratitude in Islam.

Allah SWT’s Countless Blessings

Allah SWT is the one who always blesses us, even if we do any worthy thing or not. In that case, we must show Him thankfulness in every condition to let Him be more merciful and gracious to us.

Allah SWT’s Favour Is More Crucial

Our faithful acts enable us to gain Allah SWT’s favor. Then we must be thankful for His favor to gather more humble and kind favor.

Allah had promised us in Quran that “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.” – Ibrahim (14:7)

Gratitude As The Key To Good Relations

He likes good relationships, whether between us and Allah SWT or humans. Thanking your helper lets him feel good, and the next meeting makes him more kind and more humble to you than before.

Gratitude in Islam: How To Practice It

Practicing gratitude in Islam can be done in various ways, some of which are as follows:

1: Staying Patient in Difficulty

Any human will be thankful to God when he is blessed with all the necessities of life. The real test starts when difficult times come. To learn and practice gratitude, staying patient and thankful for everything you have, even when things are not going well, is essential.

It may be a job loss or a temporary or permanent illness that you might be going through. But gratitude is staying on the positive side of life.

2: Look On The Poor

A person can only be thankful when he knows that he has more than enough in life. Most people keep on running behind the property, money, and wealth. Yet, if you want to learn gratitude, you need to have your eyes on people with low incomes who don’t even have what you already have in your home and life.

You may have a bike and wish you had a car but look at the man who rides a bicycle to his job every day, hurting his feet. So looking at the people below will help you learn and practice gratitude better.


Gratitude and its importance in Islam explain why Allah tells humankind to be grateful for his blessings so he will bless them even more. Learning to thank you takes time, but once you do, there will be no act of kindness for which you’ll not be thankful.

Every growing child must learn gratitude towards their parents, fellows, and even teachers. This is the only way to add this humble quality to a human without too much effort. A child can learn a good deed quickly, but an adult faces difficulty.